Willowbend Community Information

LandscapingPaintRoof CleaningAlligators

Landscaping Information (Plants, Pruning, Mowing, & Irrigation)

Your landscape committee would like to provide you the information that will service all your landscaping needs.  Several links are attached that will take you to specific information.  But let’s start with an introduction.  Your landscape committee consists of 5 volunteers and a board liaison.  The committee meets approximately 48 times per year at 9:30 AM on Wednesdays in the pool area.  At 10 AM residents are welcome to bring any immediate concern regarding landscaping and related ACRs to the committee.  Service to the community is our goal.

Willowbend now has two ACRs that address different areas that must have approval before any work may be done.  Our NEW ACR is for trees specifically.  This form was approved by the board of directors at their April 2024 meeting.  Use the link below to access the form.

Our other ACR remains the same as usual and should be used for new landscaping.  

Our plant list may change from time to time depending on the latest information we have regarding plants that concur with Florida friendly landscaping.  

The link to the irrigation schedule is below.  The schedule was developed to follow county policies regarding irrigation.  If you are installing new landscaping the ACR you submit has irrigation information for new plantings.

Pruning is planned to be completed on a monthly cycle.  The link will provide the planned schedule but this does vary depending on circumstances of weather, equipment, staffing.

LMP is our landscape contractor.  You may place a work order directly with LMP using their website and entering the Willowbend area.  If you need landscape assistance LMP will be happy to consult with you.

Sentry accepts work orders that are delivered to LMP for service. 


Before painting any part of the exterior of your house, please review Painting Regulations – Requirements and Suggestions (PDF). Only approved Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore paint colors may be used. Click on Willowbend Approved Paint Colors (PDF) to see a list of approved paint colors for the exteriors of homes in the community.

REMINDER: An Architectural Change Request (ACR) Form must be submitted to Sentry Management for approval and approval must be received before any exterior painting can be done.

Sherwin Williams, working with the Willowbend Architectural Review Committee (ARC), put together a booklet specifically for Willowbend in an attempt to provide the residents of Willowbend with suggested color schemes for the exterior of their home. In the booklet, for each Sherwin Williams “Stucco/Body” color, there is a page that shows that color and two suggestions for Trim colors and Front Door colors. For more information on this booklet, go to Information on the Sherwin Williams Willowbend Paint Booklet.

In an additional effort to make the process of painting your home even easier, the ARC has compiled a complete list of existing/ original colors by address. This will become helpful if you are looking to paint the exterior of your home the same color, but do not know what the original colors of your home are. If you wish to obtain this information you can either contact Sentry Management, a committee member or visit the Sherwin Williams store at 4871 South Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. You may also contact, Beth, a Sherwin Williams Representative by either calling (941) 924-1174 or emailing her at sw2432@sherwin.com

We hope that you find this information helpful. Any additional questions can be directed to Sentry Management by contacting the Willowbend Community Manager at (941) 361-1222, ext. 51009


The roof cleaning policy is that each roof shall be cleaned no later than 30 days after the 3-year anniversary of its previous cleaning. If some roofs become soiled sooner, owners have the option to clean their roof before the next cycle. It is strongly recommended that Soft wash biodegradable products are to be used for this process. Chlorine or bleach should not be used. Homeowners must be aware that they (or their vendor) are responsible for any damage done to their landscaping plants or those of their neighbors. 

The Board is no longer requiring submission of an ACR for roof cleaning. However, after the roof has been cleaned, a paid vendor’s invoice showing that the roof has been cleaned must be submitted to Sentry Management. Sentry Management will update your account with the date of the cleaning to show compliance. That date will be the starting point of the next 3-year cycle.

In early 2015, the Board formed an ad hoc committee of concerned residents to look in detail at the subject of the longevity of tile roofs and the effect of various methods of cleaning those roofs on the longevity of the roofs. The committee compiled a comprehensive report. Residents are urged to view the report as it is very informative. Click on Report on Roof Longevity (PDF) to view the report.


Willowbend Community Association has been issued Nuisance Alligator Permit #295402 from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. It establishes the 147 acres of Willowbend as a state Targeted Harvest area (THA), with specific procedures and instructions. The permit runs for (5) years until April 2021. (permit limited 100 alligators that are 4 feet in length). The procedure is as follows:

1. Calls from a Willowbend homeowner to remove an alligator should be directed to Sentry Management at 941-361-1222. Calls from Willowbend homeowners direct to the State Nuisance Alligator Hotline will be redirected to Sentry.

2. Sentry will take down information such as the name, address and phone number of the resident calling, size and location of the reported alligator and reason for removal. Sentry will also contact, by phone and/or e-mail, Environmental Management Contractor (Russ Hoffman) and a designated Board Member. Sentry or an authorized Board member will contact the trapper if authorized. 

3. Willowbend specific restrictions and instructions will include the size of the one alligator that may be removed, the lake or pond on which he may hunt, the time limit of the permission and how the trapper may gain access to the specific pond in question.

4. The designated Board member will try to contact the homeowner who initiated the call, to try to confirm the size, location and perceived degree of nuisance of the alligator in question.

5. The designated Board member will try to meet with the trapper on site and confirm they understand our instructions and restrictions. A report will be written and distributed when an alligator has been removed from our property by the trapper