Setting Up DirecTV
(These are the directions sent to the Willowbend Community in an email from Jennifer Buckmaster of Sentry Management on January 27, 2025)
Dear Willowbend residents, this is important information that requires your action:
As has been discussed at several HOA meetings, our current TV service from Frontier will be turned off next month. (Internet service from Frontier will not change.) Willowbend’s TV replacement will be DirecTV Stream, which is now LIVE!
MUST DO NOW: Register for DirecTV. Connect to the following website with your computer, iPad, or phone:
Scroll to bottom of every page, click next, and fill in name, email, phone and a password, keep going until you get to final button that says “Complete Order”. Write down and remember your selected login password!
You will be asked how many TVs you have, answer 1 (even if you have more). During this process all residents will get the Choice package of 100+ channels at no charge (channel list attached). During registration there are several channel upgrades you can select if you wish, which will be billed directly to you. If you know which additional packages you want, order it now, or go back to the web site later once you have experience with the included package.
A new DirecTV box will be delivered to you a few days after you complete the registration.
Smart TV users
If your current TV is a “smart” device, and it’s App Store has the DirecTV app, download it and start watching immediately by logging in with your registered email and password. We know most newer Samsung, Sony, Google TV, TCL, Hisense, and other TVs (except not LG TVs) can download the DirecTV app, and no box is needed.
If you have a current TV streaming box, such as Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire, etc. do the same—go to the device’s App Store and download the DirecTV app, log in, and start watching.
Older TVs that are not “smart”
If you don’t have a smart TV that has the DirecTV app, you will require a box. After registration, all residents will receive within days one DirecTV box free of charge. Additional ones purchased from DirecTV are $120 each that you can order during registration if you wish. But note a Roku box is highly rated and cheaper, purchased from Amazon or where-ever you wish, at prices from $20-80 depending on the features you desire.
When you receive the DirecTV box, the Setup Guide (attached) shows you how to plug it in and begin. Note that the setup software will try to get you to set up Google Assistant, but that is not at all required, just keep going to the end of the setup.
If you need a bit of phone help with your DIRECTV setup, call 866.258.8766.
Respectfully submitted, Alex Wagenaar, Chair of Willowbend Internet/TV committee